New features for HUR SmartTouch - Power and Range of Motion

HUR takes the next step in exercise intelligence launching our new features of HUR SmartTouch - Power and Range of Motion.
HUR SmartTouch Hi5 strength training equipment leads the way for smart exercise solutions in the fields of active ageing, senior exercise, rehabilitation and inclusive wellness. These new features are designed to further enhance usability and training experience for selected user groups.
Power Target
Power is an important exercise objective for sport activities, improved functional capacity for aging adults, as well as for rehabilitation purposes. Muscular power is defined as the product of force generation and movement velocity, which is demonstrated as the highest power output attainable during a given movement or repetition. The HUR SmartTouch Power feature motivates users to perform their exercise correctly and thus help to improve the individuals’ muscle strength. The previous exercises are analyzed automatically, and individual Power targets are shown during the exercise.
Watch the video of HUR SmartTouch Power Target
Power for individual users
The user interface displays vertical bars which demonstrate the peak power of each repetition, while a horizontal line represents the power target. Over time, users can see real-time, visual reporting of their progress they make. This motivates the users to reach for maximum effort, gaining the best possible outcome from the time invested in exercise.
Power feature for Instructors
Ensuring the quality of the exercise is the key to improving the user’s strength. With HUR SmartTouch Power feature, instructors can observe the peak power of individual repetitions and the power trend to optimize the exercise components, including repetitions, resistance and speed according to the set target. Individually optimized training programs motivate users to perform at the top effort, reaching for maximal results.
Exercise power data can be viewed on the display and it will automatically be saved in the exercise log. The target power is shown as a red horizontal line and gives the immediate feedback on the quality of each exercise.
Range of Motion
HUR SmartTouch enabled machines provide range of motion which help determine where the user’s individual movement starts and ends. Motivate individuals to train safely, independently and improve their range of motion by using HUR SmartTouch pneumatic technology machines.
Watch the video of HUR SmartTouch Range of Motion
Effective Workouts for Individuals
With the Range of Motion feature users are guided to exercise in their optimal area of range of motion. Our intelligent technology demonstrates the user’s individual range of motion which is defined together with the instructor. Range of Motion feature motivates user to perform the full movement in order to maximize the benefit of each repetition.
Quality assurance for Instructors
Defining an individual’s range of motion is important for ensuring an optimal and effective exercise experience. With HUR SmartTouch Range of Motion, instructors can easily set the individual range of motion and guide the users to exercise in their maximal range of motion. HUR SmartTouch automated data capture provides the instructors with valuable insights about the quality of each repetition that the user has performed during the exercise.
The range of motion of each repetition can be viewed on the display. This feature is very useful in rehabilitation. The range of motion can be set individually for each side. The training quality of each repetition can be checked on the display and it will be saved in the training diary.
Exercise power and range of motion of each set will be saved in the training diary. These features provide a more accurate way to monitor muscle strength development and adjust exercise resistance to individual goals.